Roland SH-09 mono analog synthesizer COMPLETELY OVERHAULED !
Classis analog Roland sound no plugin can't reach !
Deep basses to bubbling LFO's en everything between.
I personaly think the sound of the SH-09 and especially the bass goes deeper en is fatter then the 2 oscilator SH-2.
The whole synth has been overhauled.
- All electrolytic capacitors have been replaced for quality Panasonic FC 105 degree ones.
- The slider potmeters have been washcleaned and dried with an air compressor.
- Where necessary the velt has been replaced under the sliders.
- Pitchbend/mod wheel also has been cleaned.
- The whole interior and keyboard has been airblown cleaned.
- The synth has been tuned and all is within specs with a great resonance of the filter (in tune) and
all keys are in tune.
- The sockets has been cleaned with krackle killers from Australia (great invention)
Comes with a 220Vac to 110Vac converter when sold to 220Vac countries !
Please look at the photo's and the test video. All is in great condition but it is vintage and keep that in mind. This units is overhauled and can go on for years, has other SH-09's been overhauled ?
No warranty on this vintage synthesizer and no returns ! The SH-09 will leave the building just like in the test video !
Thank you for watching and if you have questions, please let me know !
Polyphony - MonophonicOscillators - 1 VCO with selectable ramp, PWM, noise or square waveformsLFO - switchable sine, square or random waveformsFilter - cutoff/res/envVCA - ADSRArpeg/Seq - NOKeyboard - 32 keysControl - CV / GateDate Produced - 1980